Upcoming Events - Register Now

Men Who Cook offers a sampling of culinary creations prepared by more than 20 men from throughout Sheboygan County taking a stance against domestic violence and sexual assault.

This event brings over 300 people together to support services offered by Safe Harbor.   These services include a 24/7 shelter, helpline, advocacy, safety planning, and support for victims at the hospital, during law enforcement interviews, and at court proceedings, in addition to healthy relationship, domestic violence and sexual assault prevention programs at schools, workplaces, and community groups.

Only donations can be accepted at this time.


By clicking yes, you agree the information is correct as listed above.  You recognize that photos may be taken at the event and recognize those images may be posted and shared through Safe Harbor communication channels. 


Please wait for your transaction to complete.  You will see a green message above, the instant your transaction is approved. 
You will also receive a confirmation email


Important notice: if you do not see our emails right away, please check your bulk/spam folders and accept our email.  You only need to do this once.


Click HERE for another registration

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